Monday, February 18, 2008

Stretched like taffy.

Have you ever seen a taffy pulling machine? It pulls taffy and turns it and pulls it and turns it and pulls it. I fell like God does this to me sometimes. I have decided it is good that I am gooey and flexible instead of rigid. It makes me more likely to keep going instead of shattering into a million pieces. I have stepped out in faith that the Lord has opened doors in front of me over the last two years. I know that an open door does not necessarily mean we walk through, but I have felt his nudgings. On most days I have felt His energy and it has confirmed that it really was his nudgings and not my own ambitions. There have been a few days where I have thrown my hands up at Him and said "Really, God?!? You really think I can handle all of this???" I know His answer is always "Yes, rely on me. Use me. I will help you if you only let me." I need to remember to take the time to let Him help me. Please pray that I would make the time in my already "too busy" day for Him.  If I don't I have nothing to complain about.  Here it is. To the great taffy puller from the taffy...stretch me over and over again if that is what makes me pleasing to you.

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